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- スポンサー広告
Sheer White for Type 3http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5505
Author:Kendo 2

- 関連記事
- 2010/02/28(日) 14:55:31|
- Fallout 3/NV
| トラックバック:0
| コメント:19
睫毛「Eyelashes Fallout 3」 |
ホーム |
装備「French Maid for Type3」>>
To さむな
Eh heh, I like this one pretty much, and usually wear it with egg vibrator B from "Some Clothes" set.
Just for a note: I suggest not to use energy weapons to turn foes into ashes. The reason is that it causes serious crashes which I cannot fix at all. When foes are turned into ashes, the game does not crash instantly, but it crashes when you go to certain areas such as Vault 87 labs and Citadel after activating purifier (Broken Steel is needed). The Pitt crashes right away if you turned someone into ashes previously. So beware and keep track of mods to prevent crashing lol.
Because of this problem, I ran some tests and even restarted new game lol.
Not a big deal though, leveling and attributes are not issues we need to worry about in PC version anyway lol. And I know people like you and me might already finished the entire game before and are mostly enjoying the graphics and mods since TESNexus do not have massive exciting mods right now lol.
* 英数字の比率が大きすぎるためスパムと判定されました。 XD
- 2010/03/06(土) 07:18:43 |
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- Seeker #-
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To Mr.Seeker
egg vibrator!
You are 変態紳士!(笑)
Thank you for your suggestion.
But I had not be experiencing CTD of The Pitt though I changed many people to ashes.I don't know reasons.
Instead, Point Lookout frequently crashed to desktop.
At last, I ascertained the causes yesterday.
The causes were Children Empire of companion Mod and MMM.
I have not played Broken Steel and Mothership Zeta yet.
I am looking forward very much to play them.lol
And I want to try to play from the start agein, because セクサスMod is very nice Hentai.lol
- 2010/03/07(日) 14:03:35 |
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- さむな #-
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To さむな
Hahaha! Is that an honorable rank in eroticism? XD
Well, I knew my game saves were screwed by ashes because my game crashes like that even if I turn all mods off including all addons.
As for Children Empire, I have the mod installed but now have it off. The game is currently running just fine so far XD
Here I like to introduce a good mod to play with:
Nino's Arms x Arms
This mod reminds me of old time anime Cobra
And again: 英数字の比率が大きすぎるためスパムと判定されました。Haha
Don't need to turn the filter off, I can copy paste that line for avoiding error when I exceed the ratio.
- 2010/03/08(月) 02:30:58 |
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- Seeker #-
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To Mr.Seeker
Just like a Cobra's Psycho-Gun! I see.XD
Why you know it? XD
I want to introduce セクサスMOD one of these days.
The player character is raped by the monsters. XD
And When you write in English by 99% or more, you cannot write it.
Take care! Thank you!
- 2010/03/10(水) 01:07:30 |
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- さむな #-
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To さむな
Oh oh!? where can I get セクサスMOD you introduced?
Can you give me the link? XD
I have been watching Japanese animes since my age of 5, so I do know some old animes lol. And Cobra is one of the best even now. XD
- 2010/03/11(木) 01:27:42 |
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- Seeker #-
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To Mr.Seeker
I actually feel that Japanese animes is famous also in foreign countries. XD
セクサスMod latest version v2.4(J)
Download Password is セクサス
Please do copy & paste セクサス if you cannot input Japanese.
And install all files.
Some Erect monsters are added, Centaur, ghoul, dog, deathclaw,and trog.
They might be able rarely to meet because they are few.
If you go to the pit, you can surely meet trogs.XD
- 2010/03/12(金) 01:16:04 |
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- さむな #-
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To さむな
Oh yes, this mod is great XD I think i downloaded older version before but this one adds Vault 177 which is super Qoo XD Thanks for your sharing XD
- 2010/03/14(日) 06:56:47 |
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- Seeker #-
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To さむな
Sexus is really interesting, but I hardly find those books mentioned in readme file lol
I think I will use Eden tool to check item IDs to get them lol
- 2010/03/14(日) 10:55:02 |
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- Seeker #-
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To Mr.Seeker
I make a plug-in of せくさす. XD
It changes almost Ghouls,Centaurs,and Dogs to erected ones.
If you play by the female character, they will rape her.XD
- 2010/03/17(水) 23:48:57 |
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- さむな #-
- [ 編集]
Oh Dear さむな you are great XD
- 2010/03/18(木) 13:57:36 |
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- Seeker #-
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To Mr.Seeker
Thank you!
I make another plug-in of せくさす.XD
This increases ErectRaiders.
You try it.lol
- 2010/03/25(木) 23:12:45 |
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- さむな #-
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To Dear さむな
This one is great too XD
Raiders rape me when they have no guns in hand lol Lovely
- 2010/03/29(月) 10:15:35 |
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- Seeker #-
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To Mr.Seeker
I am glad to be pleased with you. XD
However, did your companion get the rape done?
I failed in せくさす Ver2.4, but I succeeded in Ver2.3.
What do you think though I want to make it based on Ver2.3?
Do you have Ver2.3?
- 2010/03/29(月) 21:11:50 |
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- さむな #-
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To Dear さむな
I only have the version you gave me
And I do not have any companion following me, because I prefer solo in this game and don't really like those NPCs just hanging around killing my fun though they do help to detect and kill monsters lol
- 2010/03/30(火) 21:01:22 |
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- Seeker #-
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Dear Mr.Seeker
I think that the present version isn't a problem at all if you do not take the companion.XD
Recently, I analyze せくさす, but I doesn't understand well it.
If it goes well, I want to transplant せくさす to Oblivion.
However, it is 99% impossible. lol
- 2010/04/05(月) 00:44:30 |
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- さむな #-
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To Dear さむな,
In order to do it, you have to have a complete set of animation and body mesh as well as texture for each creature used in the mod. せくさす is an amazing mod and I do like it. Of cause you will be the hero if you can convert the mod lol I will definitely download it lol. Well, I am waiting for New Vegas. Perhaps it would be fun to bring せくさす to New Vegas, would be a lot of fun.
- 2010/04/10(土) 16:25:17 |
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- Seeker #-
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Dear Mr.Seeker
I'm sorry.
Plug-in of せくさす that I made seems to have a fatal error.
I want you not to use it at once.
I seem to cause the CTD by it though I modified "Leveledlist".
New Vegas, I also am looking forward!XD
- 2010/04/12(月) 22:17:44 |
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- 名無し #-
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To Dear さむな,
Don't worry about it, I forgot which version I installed but worked just fine without crashing. My Fallout 3 is now pretty stable. XD Thanks for your concern. Love you XD
- 2010/04/22(木) 00:27:07 |
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- Seeker #-
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Dear Mr.Seeker
Thank you.XD
I found wonderful the Mod "LoversRaperS" which is the modification of "xLovers" at Oblivion.
This is the Mod that the enemy of the human type (bandit etc.) rapes the character who is configured of the rape by this Mod.
The author of this Mod is a contributor at 2ちゃんねる.
This Mod requires
xLovers with PK
Lovers_pkr 勝手に改変版02以降
The rape seems to be generated at a certain probability.
Can you configure this Mod written in japanese?
I hope that you enjoy! XD
- 2010/04/29(木) 18:37:25 |
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- さむな #-
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